Generating formulas for JProver ------------------------------- The formulas for benchmarking JProver can be generated by the tptp2X-tool (see ReadMe-File in the TPTP2X-directory). However, the formulas for JProver must not contain Prolog-comments (starting with %). So you may just copy tptp2X.main.no_comments to tptp2X.main. Installing JProver ------------------ JProver is (still) integrated within MetaPRL, an interactive proof environment ( So you have to install MetaPRL, which requires OCaml and OMake. We benchmarked JProver by calling the function "gen_prover" in the module "Jall" (file metaprl/refiner/reflib/ This function call may occur e.g. in the module "Itt_logic" (metaprl/theories/itt/core/, which can be loaded in the editor of MetaPRL. The proof transformation we commented out in order to test finding the proof only. In the following are more detailed suggestions: 1. Download MetaPRL from We used MetaPRL-SVN-2005.11.27 (v. at You also need Ocaml and OMake (we used OCaml 3.09 and OMake 0.9.6.) 2. untar and uncompress MetaPrl: tar -xjf MetaPRL-SVN-2005.11.27.tar.bz2 3. cd metaprl omake (that creates file metaprl/mk/config) 4. Edit metaprl/mk/config: set parameters as you wish (we set COMPILATION_MODE = native) 5. For mor convenient benchmarking adapt the modules Itt_logic and Jall: In metaprl/theories/itt/core/ insert: let prover mult_lim calc hyps concls = let mult_limit = if mult_lim = 0 then None else Some mult_lim in let calculus = match calc with | "J" -> (Intuit SingleConcl) | "C" -> Classical | _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "ITT_JProver.gen_prover calculus") in let start = Unix.times () in match ITT_JProver.gen_prover mult_limit calculus hyps concls with empty_inf -> begin let finish = Unix.times () in let duration = (finish.Unix.tms_utime +. finish.Unix.tms_cutime) -. (start.Unix.tms_utime +. start.Unix.tms_cutime) in printf "%g s\n" duration; flush stdout; end let prove concl = prover 0 "J" [] [concl] (* example formula *) let f = << all x. 'p['x] and exst y. 'q['y] => exst z. ('p['z] or not{'q['z]}) >> In metaprl/theories/itt/core/itt_logic.mli insert: topval prover : int -> string -> term list -> term list -> unit topval prove : term -> unit topval f : term In metaprl/refiner/reflib/ replace the original definition of function "gen_prover" by: let gen_prover mult_limit calculus hyps concls = (* rev_append on the next line would break some proofs *) let consts = renam_free_vars SymbolSet.empty hyps in let consts = renam_free_vars consts concls in let _ftree, _red_ordering, (_sigmaQ,_sigmaJ), _ext_proof = prove consts mult_limit hyps concls calculus in if calculus = S4 then eprintf "matrix proof found@."; (* without transformation into sequent proof *) (* let red_ordering = PMap.fold (fun acc p s -> (p,s)::acc) [] red_ordering in *) (* it's too early to convert ext_proof to a set *) (* let sequent_proof = reconstruct ftree red_ordering sigmaQ ext_proof calculus consts in *) (* transform types let rename constants *) (* we can transform the eigenvariables AFTER proof reconstruction since *) (* new delta_0 constants may have been constructed during rule permutation *) (* from the LJmc to the LJ proof *) (* create_output consts sequent_proof *) JLogic.empty_inf 6. cd metaprl omake This gives a lot of output. If it failes you may have to choose other parameters in the file config, or contact us. 7. Start MetaPRL-Editor: cd metaprl/editor/ml a) interactive: ./mpxterm & prompt in the editor: cd "itt_logic";; f;; prove f;; exit ();; or b) non-interactive: create a file "metaprl/editor/ml/" which contains these directives: cd "itt_logic";; f;; prove f;; exit ();; ./mpopt -cli