jk-003:~/autom_provers/first2p_m_mspass> eclipse ECLiPSe Constraint Logic Programming System [kernel] Kernel and basic libraries copyright Cisco Systems, Inc. and subject to the Cisco-style Mozilla Public Licence 1.1 (see legal/cmpl.txt or www.eclipse-clp.org/licence) Source available at www.sourceforge.org/projects/eclipse-clp GMP library copyright Free Software Foundation, see legal/lgpl.txt For other libraries see their individual copyright notices Version 5.10 #145 (x86_64_linux), Sat Aug 16 01:10 2008 [eclipse 1]: [first2p_m]. iso.eco loaded traceable 0 bytes in 0.01 seconds first2p_m.pl compiled traceable 78688 bytes in 0.03 seconds Yes (0.04s cpu) [eclipse 2]: ['/home/traths/formulas/modal/mleancop/APM/APM001+1']. APM001+1 compiled traceable 2408 bytes in 0.00 seconds Yes (0.00s cpu) [eclipse 3]: f(F), prove(F). 1 0.0 F = # (dest(paris), class(first) => price(ninetyfive)), # (dest(paris), class(second) => price(seventy)), # ~ (class(first), class(second)), # ~ (price(ninetyfive), price(seventy)), # dest(paris), # class(second) => # price(seventy) Yes (0.00s cpu, solution 1, maybe more) ?